About Us
Since 1992 Vornholt & Associates has been assisting landowners, developers, surveyors, municipalities, schools, appraisers, engineers, Realtors, investors and elected officials to bring useful and desiered development to Hendricks County in Indiana.
After 25 years practicing real estate in Hendricks County, there are few people that know more about the history and the people here.
About Jerry...
Starting in residential real estate brokerage in 1991, I soon moved towards land development. Since 1997 I have worked almost solely in Hendricks County brokering land for development.
The relationships made over this time has been invaluable to myself and my clients. From navigating the politics of a project to knowing if there is a drainage outlet nearby, my knowledge accumulated over the years has sustained my career through a couple of minor recessions and one big one. If you own land and would like to know my opinion of its value or if you are looking for a land position in Hendricks County, give me a call. Whether industrial, single family, retail, office, multi-family or a mixed PUD, land is under it all.
Since 2008 I have spent a large amount of time on several arts, education and economic development boards in the County including:
Hendricks County Arts Council
The Children's Ballet School
Hendricks County Economic Development Partnership
Avon Comprehensive Plan Committee
Hendricks County Comprehensive Plan Committee
State Road 39 Corridor Overlay Committee
Danville Education Foundation
Downtown Danville Partnership
Served as President for Hendricks Civic Theatre
If you want to know about the arts, economic development, or land in Hendricks County, let's talk.
What others are saying about us...
I have worked with Jerry Vornholt for almost 20 years now. We first started working together when I was with Davis Homes do all of their land acquisition for new sites. That relationship has continued forward as I went out on my own developing sites as an independent developer after I left Davis Homes. I quickly found that if I was looking for a site on the west side of Indianapolis that Jerry was the guy to talk to. He knew what was available, the appetite of the seller to sell; what the site was capable of getting zoned for intensity of use; what terms the seller would work with and knew if the buyer and seller were compatible to work together. All of which are the components that make a sale happen. He does his research on the site before he even brings it to you to look.
I have worked with Jerry on both sides of the table and he is always about finding a way to make the deal happen and not just leaving it to someone else to work through it. He does not just put a listing in the MLS and set back and wait for a call. He goes out and finds a buyer that fits the location. Bottom line he know what it takes to get the deal done for both sides benefit!!
-Chris White
Site Solutions LLC
Jerry has been a great resource over the years when performing research on properties or when needing to know something about a particular area and what is being proposed or discussed from a development standpoint. He has been a great friend and a great person to work with over the years. I would highly recommend him for your needs when they would arise.
-Jeff Banning
President: Banning Engineering PC
I've been working with Jerry for over 15 years. We met when I saw him hanging around Plan Commission meetings on several occasions. I was impressed that a Broker would take the time to attend those meetings in order to better understand the trend of development in a county. I knew then he was a different breed and could be an asset to our development agenda. Dozens of successful deals later....I wasn't wrong!
Jerry brings a unique incite and skill set to the development arena. He's not just a Broker mating Buyer and Seller, he is a key cog in deal making and bringing success to maximizing profits for all parties.
-Tim J Shrout
Best Damn Developer in Indiana
PS: I do mean every word (even my title!)